Shehu Awwal


Setting Up Metrics Server With Helm Charts In Kubernetes

On one of my personal cluster and I am trying to setup a metrics-server in other to gather metrics for a resource usage within the node or pods. the kubernetes cluster is setup with kubeadm, I cant recall if K3d or Minikube comes pre-installed with metrics-server, but this should work for any kubernetes distributions. Install Metrics Server Via Helm Charts We need to add the helm charts repo. helm repo add metrics-server https://kubernetes-sigs.

Kubernetes · Kubernetes

2 minutes

Setting Up Argo CD With Helm Charts In Kubernetes

I am just playing around with Argo CD, To’ve more idea about GitOps with Argo CD, But I was having some challenges around the Ingress with ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS, I have to look at the Helm Values from the Github Repository - and then look more into some issues raised on Github - and then I was able to successfully set it up. How To Install Argo CD With Helm Charts Add the Argo CD Helm charts repo helm repo add argo https://argoproj.

Argo · Kubernetes · Kubernetes

2 minutes

Building A Kubernetes Cluster From Scratch With KubeAdm

This is a walkthrough for anyone who wants to build a Kubernetes cluster with kubeadm from scratch either on-premise, on a multi-cloud environment where the master node can be on AWS, While other worker nodes can be on Azure, GCP, Digital, and so on, I will also link the Kubernetes documentation as a reference if you are interested in reading more about it. So let’s get started, you can go with any Linux distribution of your choice either Debian or Rhel based, Let’s make use of Ubuntu in this case.

Kubernetes · Kubernetes

5 minutes

How To Add Bash Completion For Kubectl Command

The kubectl comes in a single binary package that you can run in your current directory or move it over to /bin/ or any other directory, But we still want that auto-completion instead of having to type the whole command. Adding Kubectl To Bashrc vim $HOME/.bashrc This will open the bashrc file on the current user, and add the following down below: source <(kubectl completion bash) This will read the kubectl command with completion, Then we will need to source the .

Kubernetes · Kubernetes

1 minute